
5 Things You Need to Know about Preventing Blood Clots in the Hospital!

Last Updated on June 12, 2019 by Michelle Wan



5 Things You Need to Know About Preventing Blood Clots in the Hospital

  1. How frequently is this happening at the hospital?

A global study has shown that 52% of patients are at risk for dangerous blood clots. WOW, that’s a huge percentage. If a blood clot isn’t detected, you can die. How you ask?  A blood clot can break away from your leg and get stuck in your lung. If nothing is done, this often results in death.

  1. Why do they happen in hospitalized patients?

Hospitalized patients are at risk mainly after surgery as they are immobilized and laying in a hospital bed for an extended period of time. Immobility causes blood flow in the legs to be slow. Slow moving blood is more likely to clot than normal flowing blood.

  1. How can nurses and doctors prevent them in the hospital?

Nurses and doctors are crucial in compliance and being educated in patient care. The hospital’s solution to the problem needs to be blood thinners or compression socks/SCDS in these types of situations. In a study I read, 10-14% of patients weren’t receiving the necessary treatment ordered by the doctor. I thought to myself, wow, that is a lot. Nurses need to be trained and held responsible if doctor’s orders aren’t being executed. They also need to know the signs to look for so they can notify the doctor and get the patient the help they need.

  1. What can you do about it for yourself or a loved one who is a patient?

It is the patient’s right to be informed of the risks and reasons for the doctor’s orders. It is very important to speak up and ask questions. Your life or your family members life depends on it. Having life-saving SCDs or blood thinners is very important. It is vital to understand the dangers of blood clots and why you shouldn’t refuse treatment. The hospital should have pamphlets and/or a video showing you or your family member why it is so important to comply.

  1. What to do if a loved one suffers a serious blood clot and dies from a pulmonary embolism at the hospital?

If you are able, it is best to have an autopsy performed so the cause of death can be recorded.  Please try and get all medical records. Furthermore, please contact Thomas & Wan, LLP immediately because we can help. Please contact Ms. Wan or Ms. Thomas at 713-529-1177. We have almost 50 years of combined experience in medical malpractice cases, and specifically, death or serious injury from blood clots in hospitals across Texas.  We are here to help.

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